Critical Acclaim for Tchaikovsky: Symphony 5 / Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 1
“Rachmaninov’s First Piano Concerto is sometimes coupled with Tchaikovsky’s First, but the coupling with the Fifth Symphony is unique in the catalogue. Dan Ettinger’s interpretation of this Fifth does not hide the fact that the Israeli conducts a lot of opera. His Tchaikovsky is opulent, lyrically broadly breathed, with numerous noticeable rubati, beautifully worked-out lines, emotional, but at the same time rich in detail. For the recording of Rachmaninov’s First Piano Concerto with the Brazilian pianist Fabio Martino, the composer’s revised version of 1917 was used. Martino plays brilliantly with many colours and nuances. He brings virtuosity and poetry together in a very natural way, while Ettinger allows the orchestra to play both dramatically and lyrically. This is a thrilling performance, which, like the Tchaikovsky Symphony, shows the indisputably high level of the Stuttgart Philharmonic.”
“Was für eine dramatische, ja geradezu explosive Energie die Stuttgarter Philharmoniker under Dan Ettingers Stabführung zu entfachen vermögen, dokumentiert eindrucksvoll die neue CD-Einspielung mit Tchaikowskys 5. Sinfonie und Rachmaninoffs 1. Klavierkonzert. Alle Ausdrucksmomente der zwei verwandten russischen Seelen werden in extremer Weise ausgelotet. Hinsichtlich dynamischer und tempobezogener Kontraste scheint Dan Ettinger keinerlei Kompromisse einzugehen. Die Musikerinnen und Musiker der Orchesters folgen ihm mit großer Präzision und Spielfreude.”