Season opening concert with the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker
On October 4, Dan Ettinger conducts the season-opening concert of the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, leading Rossini’s dramatic choral work Petite messe solennelle. Rossini, who had retired from composing operas more than 30 years before, described it as “the last of my péchés de vieillesse” (sins of old age).
At the Liederhalle Beethovensaal in Stuttgart, Ettinger leads the Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno, and a fantastic roster of singers including soprano Yasmine Levi-Ellentuck, mezzo-soprano Edna Prochnik, tenor John Irvin, and bass Adrian Eröd. Learn more about Dan Ettinger’s upcoming season with the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker via Dan’s Schedule.